We are all energy, we are all vibration.

With medicinal vibrational frequency we can improve our health and immunity. The current virus exists naturally outside our body and we have the ability to close its entrance using healing frequencies.

COVID-19 continues to exist below a frequency of 7 Hertz.

The current resonance frequency of the earth is 27.4 Hertz.

All the fear, full hospitals, anxiety in the streets, uncertainty, crowds, bars, pro-inflammatory diet, high stress, prisons, etc., form biofield vibrations less than 7 Hertz and preserve the activity of COVID-19.

Let's learn about mental and emotional states to prevent COVID-19 from entering our body.

Low-frequency mental states maintain COVID-19 activity:

  1. The duel gives vibrations of 0.1 to 2 Hertz.
  2. Fear from 0.2 to 2.2 Hertz.
  3. Offense from 0.6 to 3.3 Hertz.
  4. Irritation of 0.9 to Hertz.
  5. The disturbance from 0.6 to 1.9 Hertz.
  6. The temperament of 0.9 Hertz.
  7. The 0.5 Hertz burst of anger.
  8. The wrath of 1.4 Hertz.
  9. The pride of 0.8 Hertz.
  10. The negligence of 1.5 Hertz.
  11. The superiority of 1.9 Hertz
High-frequency mental states suppress COVID-19 activity:
  1. The generosity of 95 Hertz.
  2. The gratitude of 45 Hertz.
  3. Sincere gratitude from 140 Hertz and more.
  4. The sense of unity with other people of 144 Hertz and more.
  5. Compassion from 150 Hertz and above.
  6. Love as a good, bright 50 Hertz feeling.
  7. The love that man generates with his heart for all people and all living beings without exception of 150 Hertz and higher.
  8. The unconditional, sacrificial, spiritual love of 205 Hertz and higher.

A healthy spiritual lifestyle that accumulates positive mental energy contributes to resisting infection by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

In our family environment, with friends, our homes, workplaces, etc., it is important to maintain positive vibration states to raise the frequency and thus collectively make changes little by little.

Mental states and their vibration:

They are confirmed by Gilmutdinova Flyura Gaptraufovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Clinical Physiology and Non-Pharmaceutical Methods of Therapy of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers (FPKMR) of the Medical Institute (MI) of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow.

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