Covid19 has left its mark on our history. It is leaving its mark on us, both physically, politically and globally. It is not racist, it does not discriminate between social classes, countries or ways of thinking.

With him we learned, among other things, that nature has its course, we are part of a whole and we must return to faith and balance.

Many patients ask me my opinion regarding the vaccine against the virus. My answer is always the same: Before making decisions based on uncertainty, we must inform ourselves in order to make informed decisions.

My role as a comprehensive physician has always been to transmit all the necessary information so that my patients can empower themselves and make the best decisions for themselves and their families.

Vaccines are a recent invention. It was not until 1796 that Edward Jenner achieved immunity in a child through inoculation. However, long before that, through the Ayurveda technique – which has existed for more than 5,000 years – attempts had been made to prevent infection through comprehensive immunity.

According to Ayurveda, prevention is better than cure . This implies:

-Avoid causative factors and their transmission.

-Improve patients' immunity.

People with greater immunity and detoxification capacity have more protection and cope better with the side effects of the vaccine.

People with greater immunity and detoxification capacity have more protection and cope better with the side effects of the vaccine.

So, my recommendation is, before deciding whether to receive the vaccine or not, it is important to take the body to its maximum detoxification capacity , raising defenses, cleansing the body daily, eating natural, healthy and balanced foods, keeping the mind calm and supplementing with medicinal plants, in order to raise immunity, thus activating the natural potentials of the body, so that it is ready to face any external force and achieve a balance that results in health and well-being.

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